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TL;DR Lore: The Races of Runeterra

Hey everyone!
This tl;dr will be discussing the various sapient peoples of Runeterra.There’s a fair few of them, so let’s get in to it!
Before we begin, I want to clarify what specifically I mean by “races”. The races I’ll be talking about are effectively different species of organisms, all sapient, with their own cultures and societies, sometimes intermingling with one another. For this reason the thread will be split in to 3 parts:
The Mortal Races
Champion and NPC Representation
Appearing on every continent and in every nation of the known world with the exception of Bandle City, humans comprise around 2/3rds of all champions and almost all of the important NPCs. Something to remember is that most of the Iceborn, Ascended, Darkin and undead characters we know of are/were humans. Here’s the champion rundown:
Aatrox, Akali, Annie, Aphelios, Ashe, Azir, Brand, Braum, Caitlyn, Camille, Cassiopia, Darius, Diana, Dr. Mundo, Draven, Ekko, Elise, Ezreal, Fiora, Gangplank, Garen, Gragas, Graves, Hecarim, Illaoi, Irelia, Ivern, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Jhin, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Kalista, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Kayle, Kayn, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Lissandra, Lucian, Lux, Malzahar, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nunu, Olaf, Orianna, Pantheon, Pyke, Qiyana, Quinn, Renekton, Riven, Ryze, Sejuani, Senna, Sett, Shen, Singed, Sivir, Sona, Swain, Sylas, Syndra, Taliyah, Talon, Taric, Thresh, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Udyr, Urgot, Varus, Vayne, Vi, Viktor, Vladimir, Warwick, Xerath, Xin Zhao, Yasuo, Yorick, Zed, Zilean, Zoe.
That’s your human roster.
History and Range
Humans have an extensive history on Runeterra, however there is very little human history to actually discuss, due to how prolific they are as a species. There is no set origin for humans, and no history that specifically affected only humans.
Almost all of the known world’s history involves humans in some regard, and all currently known nations on Runeterra include human populations, and in most cases seem to have been founded primarily by humans.
The only areas humans are not known to inhabit are some islands, such as the one the Oovi-kat tribe of vastaya lived on, and Bandle City, which is mostly inaccessible to humans cuz it’s in another dimension.
Humans vary in their magical proficiency. Some humans are totally magicless, but can learn it. The Axiomata of Ixtal is an example of a human-made system to explain, study and educate people in magic for practical use.
Some humans are born with magic, and though the exact logistics are unknown, in some cases this magic is shown to be biologically inherited, such as with Iceborn humans. Examples of humans born with magic include Lux, Taliyah and Jhin.
In some cases both inheritance and education come in to play, as seen with Qiyana who was both born with prodigious talent for elemental magic along with her nine sisters, and then learned the principles of the Axiomata through her life.
Champion and NPC Representation
Currently there is only one troll in the champion roster: Trundle, a Freljordian troll who is both an Iceborn and self-made king of the trolls. Trundle is noted as being particularly clever and cunning among trolls, as most are simple dullards. This by no means Trundle himself is exceptionally smart, but that he is smart enough to achieve his goals.
There have been a handful of named troll npcs in the lore. They are as follows:
*Grubgrack: An ancient troll king known for tricking Ornn in the days of the Vorrijaard. *Sligu: A troll who Trundle met in the story ‘A Feast Fit for a King’ who helped him out. *Sligu: A northern troll who Trundle met in the story ‘A Feast fit for a King’. Sligu is the brother of the above Sligu, is bigger, but dumber. *Yettu: A troll who proclaimed himself to be a king, who Trundle then tricked in to killing himself.
History and Range
Trollkind are noted as having a hardy constitution and incredible regenerative abilities, and as such have mostly come to inhabit incredibly hostile environments in Runeterra, ones that would likely be next to impossible for humans to live in. While the exact extent of this is unknown, we currently know that the largest troll tribes known to the world are found in the Freljord, which has a sizable population of them, and some trolls are also known to inhabit The Great Sai in Shurima.
The origin of trolls as a species is unknown, though in the Freljord ancient myths they were described as having kings, and as such potentially had nations of their own. The kings joined forces with Avarosa and Serylda during the end of the War of the Three Sisters, but the resulting clash and Lissandra’s actions led to the deaths of thousands, and likely the collapse of these theoretical ancient troll kingdoms.
In the modern era, trolls are organized in tribes, but Trundle is now going around rallying them under his banner as troll king, though they’re not totally unified at present.
Trollkind has shown very little in the way of magical abilities, however recently Trundle was revealed to be an Iceborn, meaning that he is innately magical, capable of wielding True Ice and having more resistance to the cold. Trolls themselves already have hardy constitutions, so how many trolls are actually Iceborn is currently unknown, but presumably more will come to light with time.
The above indicates strongly that trolls have the potential to learn or inherit other magical abilities, though we haven’t seen that happen yet.
Champion and NPC Representation
There is currently one minotaur among the champion roster: Alistar, a former Noxian slave who now spreads messages of hope and resistance against those within the Noxian Empire, who are disenfranchised in some regard by their current situation.
Only one minotaur NPC exists in canon lore: Zalt, who was a Noxian soldier before his untimely death during the story “The Winterspike Road”, where he served under Darius while fighting against the Winter’s Claw.
History and Range
Minotaurs are as you’d expect of a race named after the original creature of greek myth; a race of humanoid bovines. Beyond this there isn’t much to note about them specifically; what you see is what you get, though notably minotaurs seemingly have vast variation in body sizes; Alistar is huge but most minotaurs aren’t depicted that way.
The origins and history of the minotaurs are unknown, but we do know they live across Valoran, and have shown up mostly in relation to Noxus. Numerous minotaurs have thrown their lot in with Noxus for various reasons, in some cases to escape enslavement, in others because they simply wanted to join Noxus over remaining in the current lives. Other minotaurs, like Alistar, were enslaved by Noxus though, so it’s a bit iffy all things considered.
Minotaurs have also been shown in Demacia. They have notably been depicted as members of the Dauntless Vanguard; one of Demacia’s most elite military forces, indicating minotaurs have it good over there.
In Piltover, minotaurs have not been seen, but their imagery is still invoked. In one instance a mechanical minotaur was seen, as was a fellow named Bakkens who donned a helmet styled after a minotaur’s head that could shoot hot steam out of its horns. If I was a minotaur I dunno whether this’d be insulting or charming.
Maybe both?
At present, minotaurs and magic have never been discussed in the same sentence. It’s not unreasonable to assume they could use magic, and we just haven’t seen it, but at the moment we just don’t know.
The Not-So-Mortal Races
Champion and NPC Representation
Vastaya are the second most represented non-human race in League with 7 champions, only trailing after yordles who have 13. Ahri, Xayah, Rakan, Wukong, Nami, Rengar and Neeko represent 6 tribes, 5 of them named between them.
There aren’t a great deal of named vastayan npcs, but we’ll go over a few notable ones:
History and Range (And Magic)
I’m condensing this section because, incase you all weren’t aware, I actually already covered this topic in much greater detail in my TL;DR vastaya post, so I’ll link that here.
I’m not gonna leave too much in the dark though, so here’s a quick run down of vastayan history, range and magic:
The vastaya are the only Runeterran race with a clear cut origin. They are descendents of the legendary Vastayashai’rei; a group of formerly mortal heroes who, using the knowledge of their ancestors, learned to draw forth power from the Spirit Realm, becoming deathless shape-changers able to draw magic from both realms in equal measure. This was 10,000 years ago, and they did so to defeat a race of titans that came from beyond the sky.
The Vastayashai’rei won, and then went to live among their mortal kin. Their magic was inherited by their progeny, who went by the name vastaya. Over time the Vastayashai’rei’s power waned and the vastaya went their own way, forming tribes named after individual Vastayashai’rei and finding passage across the world. While most vastaya live in Ionia, tribes have been shown in Ixtal, the Freljord, in the oceans and on various islands.
In more recent history, something has changed in the magic of the world, making it impossible for vastaya to procreate. The exact reason why is unknown, and it’s also unknown how far reaching this is, but it also means that, given there haven’t been any new vastaya born in several mortal generations, that all our vastayan champions are at least a century or two old. This is also part of the reason why I didn’t include them in the “mortal races” section; vastaya live far longer, age slower, and it’s unclear if they can even die of old age as mortals do. They aren’t true immortals of course, but they definitely aren’t mortal.
In Ionia, various groups have shown hostility to the vastaya in recent times; an eventual inevitability given the growing tensions between the two races over the centuries. In some cases, like Zed and the Order of Shadow, this is not just hostility but full on discrimination, hate crimes, and effectively genocide on their part. Many vastaya aren’t taking this lying down, in some cases they actually defected to Noxus, while others like Xayah and Rakan have taken the fight to their oppressors directly.
Vastaya have access to various forms of spirit magic, including charms, camouflage, and also shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is possible for all vastaya in varying degrees, and allows them to look more human or more animalistic, but it’s capabilities are limited compared to their ancient ancestors. The diluted vastayan bloodline is to blame here, and so in cases where the vastaya are very close to their ancestry, like the Oovi-kat, this magic is much stronger. This might also extend to all forms of magic the vastaya can wield, but this isn’t 100% clear at present.
Champion and NPC Representation
The yeti are represented in League of Legends by only one champion: Willump, who is the more handsome half of Nunu & Willump. Willump is the last magical yeti known to exist in the world, and is currently helping Nunu find his missing mother. We’ll talk more about Willump below.
Currently there are no named yeti NPCs, even among the Legends of Runeterra cards. There’s a reason for this that we’ll get in to shortly.
History and Range
The yeti originate from the Freljord, and had a vast civilization in the days when it was known as the Vorrijaard. They were ancient even back then with their own culture and beliefs, having a language of their own that Willump still speaks, and at one point they were sought out by the Three Sisters. Willump specifically met them, though what they discussed is unknown.
The yeti civilization met its end during the War of the Three Sisters. Lissandra had called on the yeti’s aid for the final battle, and when the Watchers revealed themselves, Lissandra made a tremendous sacrifice; the lives of the many thousands present, to seal them inside. Part of that sacrifice was the yeti themselves, but she didn’t take their lives, she took their magic. Since the yeti were beings of magic this stripped them of their former nobility, reducing them to savage monsters.
Only one yeti survived with his magic; Willump, and he quickly left the area, settling at a place that would become known as the Yeti’s Vigil. There he stayed with the last remnants of the yeti civilization’s magic. When folks came to take it, Willump met them with tooth and claw, becoming monstrous in the process.
In the modern era, yeti are considered myths by the wider culture of the Freljord, but do still exist as beasts in the wilderness. Very recently, Willump was found by Nunu, who managed to reach him and become his friend, and now the two are out trying to find Nunu’s missing mother Layka (God I hope she’s still alive plz Riot don’t kill off the mums).
The yeti were one of the only beings known to be able to create True Ice, a power that now, only Willump, Nunu (thanks to the magic Willump gave him), and Anivia are known to possess. True Ice is an incredibly potent magical substance that will brutally wound or straight up kill anyone who isn’t Iceborn, but given the yeti could make it, the assumption is True Ice had no or little affect on them.
The yeti, as beings of magic, were also shaped by perception, as spirit magic is the magic of souls, sensations and emotions. Because of this, Willump looks as adorable as he does because he’s being shaped by Nunu’s perceptions of him: being his best friend. Before this, it’s likely Willump looked more like the yeti we see in Legends of Runeterra. Those yeti are magicless, so it’s unclear if their forms are still shaped by perception, or whether their current forms are the result of being without magic.
The reason I wasn’t including the yeti in the “mortal races” is because there’s currently no information on the yeti’s mortality. Willump is over 9,000 years old, but looks to be as active and spry as he likely was in his youth, and it’s unclear if yeti can even die of old age.
Champion and NPC Representation
Currently the brackern are represented in game by a single champion: Skarner. There are currently no NPC brackern detailed in the lore as characters, however we have seen multiple brackern crystals in the lore, and within them are the souls of brackern. Several champions utilize brackern crystals in some manner:
History and Range
The brackern are native to a hidden valley in north western Shurima. Living for incredibly long periods of time, the cornerstone of the brackern’s civilization were their “Namestones”, sometimes referred to as “Lifestones” or to ignorant, bastard pitlovans: hex-crystals.This is also the whole deal as to why they aren’t in the “mortal races” section.
By fusing the crystals with their bodies, they would effectively merge with the brackern’s souls. This created a union between their minds in the form of a song, allowing them all to communicate with each other via thought. When a brackern died their crystal would be taken and buried, later calling to a new brackern to inherit it, and with it, the legacy and power of all who had came before, effectively making the brackern immortal from some perspectives.
When the mortal races began building their civilizations in Shurima, they offered the brackern respect, but they also feared them. The mortals called their home “The Crystal Scar”, and the brackern, not wanting to be threatened by mortal wars, opted to hibernate for millennia, with the hope that they would sleep through the mortal’s eventual extinction.
This didn’t last though as Piltovans discovered the brackern, and bombed them in their sleep. Their intent was clear; to steal the crystals within them to use for their own ends. This act traumatized their collective psyche and resulted in several brackern’s deaths, with only Skarner being able to rouse himself and repel the invaders. Since then, Skarner has set out to reclaim the stolen crystals and save his race.
Those crystals that made their way back to Piltover then became the foundation of hextech. True “hexcrystals” as they’re known are few and far between, and as such highly coveted.
The brackern’s magic is tied to the Material Realm, and as such is mostly elemental in nature. They can draw power from the earth and of course their own crystals, with the power depending on the strength of their own crystal. Skarner in some iterations of the lore was described as being among the most powerful brackern, in no small part due to his crystal.
As detailed above, the crystals allowed the brackern to communicate with each other by what is effectively telepathy. It took the form of a song, and extended to all who also bore crystals. Notably, this form of communication was incompatible with humans, as in the story “Dreamsong”, Skarner tries to sing to the humans through his crystal, but they are completely unresponsive.
The elemental magic inherent to the crystals, and by extension the brackern, is also showcased in hextech. Blitzcrank has magical lightning, Orianna’s ball is full of magic, Camille and Jayce both have electrical powers, while Ekko figured out how to use time magic through the shard he has.
Champion and NPC Representation
In League of Legends there are thirteen yordles, three of which are also in Legends of Runeterra. They are of course Corki, Fizz, Gnar, Heimerdinger, Kennen, Kled, Lulu, Poppy, Rumble, Teemo, Tristana, Veigar and Ziggs.
There are very few canon and named yordle NPCs. Infact, I think you can count them on one hand.
...Ok bear with me on this.
Now, as some of you may have guessed from the above, there’s an unfortunate truth about yordles, and that’s that they’re probably the least explored and least understood part of the entire League of Legends universe at present.
We know nothing of the yordle’s origins, what their true deal is, what their home of Bandle City actually is, and five of the thirteen yordles in game don’t even have biographies. It’s a rather sad state of affairs.
What do we know? Let’s do a quick run down:
If you’re wondering about why yordle glamour hasn’t really shown up in a bunch of places, it’s basically because it’s really awkward to explain in stories where it’s not relevant. As an example, in the Piltovan Tales of Runeterra, we see Heimerdinger in his full yordle glory. In cases like this, actively explaining glamour would take longer than the short itself, so it’s not detailed. In cases like this, the assumption should generally be that, unless otherwise stated, a yordle has their glamour on, and no one sees anything differently.
The above though will vary from case to case, mostly Kennen, who is well known as a yordle among the Kinkou. This, plus yordles being respected in Ionia, means it’s likely no one in Ionia sees him in glamour.
...I know it’s kinda weird and awkward, but sadly, that’s just about all of yordle lore at present. I wish I could explain yordles and Bandle City better, but alas, there’s just very little to go on at present. Hopefully, when I get around to making a Bandle City tl;dr, we’ll have a lot more to discuss.
Other Racial Discussion Points
Now that we’ve discussed the main seven races that we see in League of Legends, it’s time to discuss some other points of discussion in regards to the races, since those seven aren’t the end all be all. This section isn’t specifically about talking about races though, but also what isn’t a race, because, while this might not be surprising, some of the groups of beings we know of don’t really constitute a “race”.
Ascended, Darkin, Ursine and Iceborn
So this is where I basically put on my “These aren’t races” cap to tell ya’ll that these things don’t really constitute “races”, for varying reasons.
The Ascended and Darkin
These guys were mortals elevated by the Sun Disc to become gods among mortals. At present, there’s no indication as to whether all of the Ascended and Darkin were all humans, if anything that's unlikely, but we currently in the dark as to most of their racial origins; we know Azir was human and that's kinda it. Following the empire’s fall they warred amongst each other for 1,500 years until the intervention of the Aspects. Not all of the Ascended became Darkin, but it was enough that they’re basically near extinct nowadays.
There was also a group called the Baccai. These were folks who survived a failed ritual, coming out deformed. The Shurimans considered it a mercy to kill the Baccai off, and to our knowledge there are no known Baccai champions or NPCs in the lore, though some Rioters have described Xerath as potentially fitting the bill.
These guys don’t constitute a race because they themselves weren’t really their own a sapient species; they were effectively Shuriman super heroes. Also given the fact that an “Ascended Bloodline” exists, it’s likely that if the Ascended and Darkin could reproduce, they wouldn’t produce more of their kind, but instead mortal children with some magic inherited from their godly forebears.
The Ursine
The Ursine are a Freljordian tribe of Spirit Walkers; mortals (thus far only shown to be humans) with magic through which they channel the spirits of nature and animals through them, allowing them to shapeshift. This tribe specifically worships Volibear, and are more or less broken down in to three groups: those with their faculties, those who have gone bear full time, and those who’ve become monsters.
The thing to note here is that the Ursine are still humans when you get down to it, and not all Spirit Walkers are Ursine. As such they’re not a distinct race.
The Iceborn
While for a long time Iceborn was a thing we thought was exclusive to humans, recently revelations have revealed that trolls can be Iceborn. This is kinda huge because originally it was implied that an Iceborn was like a sort of magical ethnicity among humans, but this clearly isn’t the case anymore. There is also the factor that in some myths, the Iceborn were actually created by the Watchers, which further complicates the matter.
The variance in information we have about the Iceborn, as well as them now being expanded such that non-humans can also be Iceborn, leaves a lot of questions, and as such I don’t feel we can comfortably say the Iceborn are a “race” currently.
Jax’s Race
Jax is the sole representative of a non-human race we know precious little about, not even a name. Because of this we have to extrapolate from Jax, so let’s cover some bases.
Given what we know of Jax from his bio and stories, we can say comfortably that if his people are like him, they have similar physiology and lifespans, being noted as a long-lived race, and they lived in Shurima. Beyond this? We don’t know a lot.
Some people extrapolate that Jax is a troll. I don’t agree at present, mostly because the trolls from the Freljord are WAY bigger than humans, while Jax is depicted as being at most, tall by human standards, and his identity as a non-human was more fully discussed after we learned that trolls exist in Shurima, which feels like a weird thing not to commit to if it’s true.
Sion’s Race
While many people (myself included), have believed that Sion is human, that’s potentially not the case. In some discussions with Rioters heavily involved in the narrative process, they discussed how Sion is likely not human, and instead part of a race of large humanoids.
Take a look in here for more info
To provide some context on what was happening in that discussion, it was about some of the Legends of Runeterra cards for Noxus released at the time, namely Kato the Arm and Captain Farron. Both are showcased to be far larger than other humans in the LoR material, but in the context of this discussion, both cards would fall in to whatever race Sion represents.
Now this isn’t concrete. As with most things, information sourced from the writers on twitter is not 100% canon, and is instead more of the thoughts of the writers on the subject. Until such information finds it way to canon sources, it’s not truly canon, as is the case with many things in Legends of Runeterra. This was an interesting discussion though, and since it has at the very least the potential to be canon, I decided to add it here.
The details about what we know from Sion and the above LoR cards is that this race, providing they are a canon race, are far larger than humans, more comparable in size to trolls. Their history is unknown, though Sion is described as being part of a “Warrior culture that was part of Noxus since its founding”. If this describes his race then that would mean that this race was part of Noxus since the end of the Rune Wars, and as such can be showcased as being native to Valoran, though this might also simply describe the culture of wherever Sion came from, which could just as easily be its own nation and as such not be specifically tied to this mystery race.
For those wondering, if Sion is indeed part of a non-human race, Urgot and Mordekaiser would not also be. Both are humans, who are big because of chemtech augments and death magic respectively.
Fizz’s Dead Friends
As discussed above, Fizz is a yordle, but he has ties to an underwater civilization we haven’t seen anywhere outside of his bio. This is because this civilization was wiped out by the gigalodons; huge dragon-sharks brought to the city by warming seas. The gigalodons descended on the city, killing everyone there and reducing the city to rubble. Fizz couldn’t save a single soul.
This civilization was said to have members of some “noble race”, however this race hasn’t ever been named. The only underwater civilization we know of currently beyond this is the Marai vastaya tribe, which is still as active as ever, so the identity of this race is a total mystery to us. The best we can extrapolate is that they were likely adapted for life underwater permanently, as Fizz living among them made him change to suit an underwater lifestyle, but this isn’t saying much.
There were several new kinds of creatures unveiled among the denizens of the deep with the Bilgewater expansion for Legends of Runeterra, but none of these have been confirmed to be this noble race Fizz lived among. We’ll talk about those cards a little later though.
The Jaull-Fish
For those who don’t know, these are the fish who have Pyke as their undead puppet.
Connected to the Swimming City are the Jaull-Fish; enormous sea monsters reputed for having sacks in its mouth full of a blue, oily substance called sapphilite, which can be used in various “sorcerous distillations”. Because of this sapphilite is highly coveted and fetches a high price. The Jaull-Fish have been described as similar to whales, and the way they behave as detailed in Pyke’s lore implies they’re potentially sapient, and as such making the call on whether they’re a race or not is hard.
A recent addition to the lore, Balestriders are tall, icy ungulates of unknown origin and power. Dating back to the days of the Vorrijaard, a march of them was frozen by Anivia, while others were twisted and turned by the Three Sisters to use for their own purposes. Beyond this we know little though, and as such we can’t make a call on whether they’re a race or not.
Otherworldly Entities
Beyond the Material Realm, various other kinds of entities come to be, and can be hard to classify. As the League universe is composed of 4 different realms, we’ll batch all those other realms together for a bit to discuss their residents equally.
Celestial Entities
These are entities from the Celestial Realm. Due to a lack of information about the Celestial Realm, we don’t know if any “races” truly exist out there, or if the beings from the Celestial Realm are all unique entities. We do however have some clues.
Currently there are three champions from the Celestial Realm; Bard, Soraka and Aurelion Sol, along with the Aspects, but among them, Aurelion Sol is the only one we know of to be part of a larger group of entities that might constitute a species, and we know too little of them to make a call on whether they’re a race or not.
Spiritual Entities
While yordles showcase that races of spirits can exist, we currently don’t know of any other spirit races beyond them. We do have classifications for spiritual beings though, so let’s get in to them:
Spirit Gods
These are spirits born of mortal cultures in to the role of deities the culture worships. These guys definitely don’t constitute a race, as each one is born as their own unique entity.
The four champion Spirit Gods are Anivia, Janna, Ornn and Volibear. Other named Spirit Gods include the Clever Lynx, Iron Boar and Seal Sister.
In some interpretations of the lore, Kindred might be seen as a Spirit God, especially given the way they’re revered in the Freljord in the same capacity as their ancient demi-gods, but this isn’t 100% confirmed.
Nature Spirits
These are spirits that occur naturally, and given current information are more likely to be classified in to species, though we know of no true “races” of nature spirits at present.
There are two nature spirits represented in the champion roster, however only one of them: Maokai, is a champion. Maokai is described as a treant, though his lore identifies that he was born in to the world by himself, when the Blessed Isles first arose from the sea. Little information exists about what “treant” means in the context of the lore, so it’s hard to identify Maokai as being part of a species, let alone a race.
The other nature spirit is Skaarl, Kled’s mount, who is a Drakalops; a Noxian wind spirit, and way more of an animal than any kind of race.
These are spiritual beings born of excessive emotions and sensations, not just negative ones. At present, we know of no classification among demons, no demons that could constitute any kind of race, and all of the demon champions have disparate origins.
Evelynn was made by war, Tahm Kench by culture, Nocturne was manufactured and Fiddlesticks predates civilization itself. There is also Raum, the demon of secrets that Swain conquered to gain his magical powers. Little is known of Raum in any regard.
Fiddlesticks is perhaps the most interesting of the current demons logistically, but even considering the hypothetical, it’s difficult to ascribe Fiddlesticks as being part of a race.
Voidborn are easy to classify as not being a race as each is born entirely unique from the others, and they have no known form of society or civilization, likely because they’re here to destroy it not compete with it. Voidborn also aren’t actually of the Void, as it’s a realm of nothing. They’re made by the Void’s power for sure, but it’s likely none have ever been to the Void itself.
Humans in Disguise
Some of Runeterra’s menagerie of champions are actually humans despite appearances. The Darkin and Ascended are the most well known examples, but here’s a quick rundown of Runeterra’s “Humans in disguise”:
Raceless Champions
Some champions actually don’t belong to any known race, instead being entirely unique entities. This varies from champion to champion, and some champions are simply not detailed enough in their origins to make a call, but here’s a quick rundown either way:
An automaton who developed sapiance thanks to the brackern crystal inside them. As a manufactured entity who wasn’t built with their own free will, Blitzcrank is a champion who doesn’t qualify as being of a race.
Not part of a race because he’s a statue that came to life after eating too much magic. His origin’s actually pretty straight forward all things considered.
Zyra is effectively the result of magical nuke radiation in a garden of carnivorous plants. She’s probably got one of the more unique origins in League, and doesn’t belong to any race.
A creature of unknown origins. Some hypothesize he is a member of a near-extinct species, others say he’s a spirit, a demi-god, or one of the Ascended. Lack of information here puts Rammus in the raceless category, but future revelations might change this. My money’s on him being an Ascended.
Zac originates from the giant dumping ground of chemical runoff in Zaun known as the Sump. His origins make him a totally unique being, devoid of species or race.
She’s just a cat. A magic cat sure, but just a cat nonetheless.
Fuck cats. Dogs are superior.
Amumu has been depicted as both a yordle and a human, but the actual truth is unknown, and he may not even be one of those options. As such, I count him as raceless.
Malphite has a very specific origin, but the short form is that he’s the shard of a giant magical weaponized city that got destroyed while trying to fight the Void during Shurima’s war vs Icathia. Malphite’s shard grew with time to grant him sapience and agency, and he’s endured for centuries. His origin makes him a wholly unique entity, and not part of any race.
One of the last champions needing an update to bring him in to the rebooted canon. His current short biography states he’s an enchanted marionette corrupted by dark magic, but who knows if that’ll stick.
Sadly he’s got the same deal going on as Shaco. Presumably a sump-mutant, but who knows at this point. Get the rat boy some lore love Riot, please, thanks, please.
Legends of Runeterra makes my head hurt
Legends of Runeterra is both a huge boon and a huge nightmare lore wise.
For one, it’s all “potentially” canon, meaning that it’s hard to know how much Riot actually intends to make canon or not. Stuff has been steadily making its way over, but it’s still a pain.
Secondly, and more importantly, there’s a lot of new stuff that makes figuring out what’s a race and what’s not difficult. Some things are easy to extrapolate, such as Yuzari, Greenglade Defender and Citrus Courier being likely vastayans, while some are clear as day, such as Tarkaz being a troll, Ariok Glinthorn being a minotaur, and all the yordle cards. Others though are total pains my my arse.
The above are the ones I can remember, and basically all of these cards might represent new races, or they might not. There’s little to go on right now.
This isn’t super important for you all, but just know, it makes me suffer.
I have nightmares about the Dreg Dredgers, not knowing what they are.
What are the Dreg Dredgers Riot?
And that should be everything! Running out of characters now so gotta wrap this up quick:
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day!
submitted by Sharjo to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

The Premier League is back this weekend, which means a resurgence in Match Betting. Here is my 3 Part Mega Guide to making £500 for several hours work, and then making £500- £1000 on a monthly basis.

So a lot of you will know that I regularly post guides and tips about match betting, However since the same questions always come up in the comments, I decided to make one big, very thorough Mega Guide in order to eliminate as many doubts as possible for you guys. Like I said before, This guide is a handy way to sort out a month's rent for 5 or 6 hours work, so I really hope it can be of use to someone. Anyway, Here it is:
Having done my research and having been able to turn a really nice profit in such a short time, I wanted to make a short guide to eliminate people's doubts and simplify things a little. Since it really doesn't take a lot of time to hit that £500 profit mark, it's a shame not to try it out. Anyway, Here it goes:
I was sceptical as hell about Match betting because a friend showed me the Facebook groups and it just looked like a giant gambling pyramid scheme. It turns out there is a decent chunk of change to be made from it, you just need to follow the guides and never ever actually gamble with your money.
Never ever Gamble? Yes That's right, you are going to be using Gambling sites to complete the various offers, but the whole idea behind match betting is that every time you "make a bet", you match that same bet on the exchange. So for example, if I bet £10 for Real Madrid to Win on the Bookie Site at odds of 2.5, I then also make a Matched bet on the Exchange (This is a separate site such as Smarkets or Betfair) where I bet for Real Madrid not to win at odds of 2.5 (or as close as I can get to those odds). In this way I am covered in all outcomes, and it allows me to fulfill the requirements of the bookies offer (For example Bet £10 and get £30 in Free bets)
What's the difference between the Bookie Site and the Exchange? On the Exchange Site you are basically being the Bookie and just like a Bookie, you have liability. If I bet £10 and my bet wins at odds of 2.5 then I win £25, so the bookies liability for this bet is £15, the extra money that they would have to give me if I win. There are calculators on the Match betting sites which you can use to calculate what Liability you need to enter on the exchange each time you make your matched bet. There is also software to help you find what games have the closest odds on both the bookies and the exchange, which is very important.
What do I do when I get my free bets? It's the same process again, You find a game that has very close odds on both the bookies and the exchange ( You can do this by eye or by using odds matching software. A good site with this software is called OddsMonkey). Only this time when you use the calculator to work out your liability, you will set it to "Free bets SNR" so it knows you are not using real money. It will tell you how much Liability to use in the exchange and off you go.
How does this make me money? The fact that you have a free bet to use is what makes you money, For example a £30 free bet at odds of 5.5 in the bookies will win you £135 (30x 4.5, because the original free bet stake of £30 is not returned to you). Now let's say that the closest odds I can find in the Exchange for the same game are 6.0, I will need a liability of £112.50 to match my free bet in the bookies ( I use the calculator on oddsmonkey to work this out)
£135- 112.50 = £22.50 in Profit.
Alternatively if my bet on the exchange wins, I will lose the free bet of £30 (but it's not actually a loss to me because It's not real money) and I will win £22.50 on the exchange. Either way, I make a Profit of £22.50
What about providing card details? You can use a separate, virtual bank account for all your match betting, In this way your main banking information is not shared with any of the sites you sign up to. A good one to use is Monzo, the app is easy to use and it only takes 5 minutes to open an account. It's free to open an account and last I checked they actually have a referral scheme where you get £5 if you sign up through a referral link.
Non Referral here:
Where can I learn to do it? There are some sites that you have to pay a monthly subscription to but I found one called Team Profit that is free and has a full guide of all the different offers you can complete.
I worked my way down through the list of offers, nice and handy, and having completed 20 offers at 15 minutes per offer, I came out at £470 for 5 hours total of work.
If you are new to this site and are opening a free account I would really appreciate if you use my Referral (£10)
Here is the non referral link to the page with all the offers:
TLDR: You do not need to "gamble" to match bet, in fact by definition, the bet you make is "matched" on the exchange, so it is not a gamble in any sense.

You may sometimes see people commenting saying they have made a lot more money since finishing the welcome offers, £1000-£1500 a month and such, but never saying exactly how...
Personally I have made a lot more profit every month since I finished the welcome offers, Usually around the £1000 per month mark.
People say that Match betting drys up once you finish the welcome offers but this is simply not true, it's a matter of being more organised and checking your email for new offers, while also checking the Reload Offers section on Team Profit every morning (Takes literally 5 minutes)
Below is an Example from last month where I made £300 in one week. Bare in mind that the amount you make weekly will vary with the amount of sport that is on, but as long as there's sport, you will always be able to earn. This example is simply to show you the potential Match Betting has long after you've completed the Welcome offers:
Here's exactly how I did it:
Coral: Money back as a free bet up to £50 if your team is ahead in the first half but doesn't win the match in the end: Matched 5 Premier League games, 3 were successful. I received three £50 free bets which I matched and turned into £130 profit risk free. £130 in 30 minutes
William Hill: Money Back as Cash if your horse comes 2nd- 2 of the 6 horses I matched came 2nd, I was also able to make a profit by just matching the bets because my odds were higher on the bookies side by using the Happy Hour odds (between 12pm-1pm, 3 horses with enhanced odds) and also the 3 daily bet boosts on Horse raising( to boost my odds on another 3 horses). £20 in 5 minutes
Paddy Power: Money Back up to £10 if Horse comes 2nd 3rd or 4th, Matched the horse with the lowest odds and sure enough it came 3rd, got my £10 free bet. £8 in 3 minutes
Skybet: Money Back as cash up to £10 if Horse comes 2nd 3rd or 4th, Matched the horse with the lowest odds and sure enough it came 3rd, got my £10. £9.50 in 3 minutes
Skybet: Wednesday Super odds: Matched the three super odds on the exchange and due to the difference in odds (If the odds on the bookies are greater than those for same bet on the exchange you are automatically profiting). £10 in 3 minutes
Boylesports: £10 Free bet if your bet loses(Premier League Match): £8 in 3 minutes
Paddy Power 2up: An offer where you get paid out early if your time goes up by 2 goals, the profit varies depending on what the odds on the exchange are when you back the team you orignally lay against, but this offer can make you a lot of profit (You will need to download the team profit calculator app and use the early payout calculator). Last week it Made me £35. £35 in 5 minutes
Novibet: Deposit £100 and get a £50 free bet. Very easy because you just have to deposit the money, get your free bet, withdraw your £100 straight away, then match the free bet on the exchange. £40 in 5 minutes
Coral: Bet 3x £5 in play and get a £5 free bet-Availble everyday. Just match these at half time so the odds are stable, Make sure you also place mug bets every couple of days if you do this one a lot, I would reccomend doing it 5 times a week tops. £20 in 30 minutes
Paddy Powe Skybet Bet clubs: Bet 5x £10 bets in a week to get a £10 free bet with Paddy Power. Bet £25 in a week to get a £5 free bet with Skybet. £10 in 30 minutes

Above you can see the reality of making profit long after you've finished the welcome offers, but it comes down to organisation.
So in Summary, these are my 6 Rules for making a monthly Profit:
(1) Check your email daily for offers, many times bookies will send you personalised offers just for you, and these can be very VERY generous.
(2) Check the Reload Offers section on Team profit every morning to see what offers are available that day.
(3) Offers change all the time- Don't let this put you off. There are always new offers to replace the previous ones. There are also Weekly/Daily offers ( Coral £50 free bet, Paddy power refund if 2nd 3rd 4th, William hill money back if second, Paddy Power 2up, Bet clubs etc) which are constantly available when sport is on.
(4) Make Mug bets ( Explained more in PART 3)
(5) It all adds up. Don't think "It's only a £5 free bet, not worth matching". I get around 15 £5 free bets every week, If I ignored them all I would be down £200 at the end of the month.
(6) Don't spend all day at it. Once you've checked your email and reload offers, you know what offers you need to do that day. Set alarms so you can make your matches before each event starts, but don't spend ages sitting at your computer waiting for "the perfect match", for your own mental health, set a time limit of 1 hour per day at most.

(1) How much money do you need to put in to start?
When you go onto the offers page on Team Profit after signing up, there is an option to start with £25, £50 or £100. You can select one of those three options And it will show you a different number of offers according to your selection. I started with £100 because I wanted to get things moving a little quicker. I did this so that I would have enough money for liability to do a bigger earning offer at the start. One year later, and having see the potential for profit, I keep around £500 floating between my accounts. This is useful for large sporting events where I may want to do around 10- 15 offers in a short time.
(2) Is it in anyway going to impact my credit score?
Using gambling sites doesn't effect your credit score unless you borrow money to fund it. I do all my match betting through a virtual bank (Monzo) in order to keep that stuff out of my main bank on the off chance that it raises any eyebrows. You'll be using Monzo like a cash card, where you can only spend the money you put into the card. This is why it won't affect your credit score, because you wouldn't be taking out an overdraft or using credit for example.
(3) What is Mug Betting?
Mug Betting is where you make bets that have no relation to any offer or promotion in order to appear like a regular punter. If you are doing a lot of offers on one site, it's a good idea to make mug bets in order to avoid being "gubbed" (Gubbed is a term for when bookies realise you are only taking advantadge of promotions and close your account permanantly). Of course you will also Match these "Mug bets" on the exchange. Make 1-2 Mug bets on Each site every week(On the sites you are using a lot for offers and promotions) in order to ensure your accounts last longer than 1-2 years. I have been matching for well over a year and have never been gubbed. Take the extra couple of minutes to Mug bet, it's worth it.
More on Mug betting here

Ok so that's everything I can think of to share with you guys, The link to sign up to your free Team Profit account is at the bottom of Part 1 of this guide.
TLDR: You do not need to "gamble" to match bet, in fact by definition, the bet you make is "matched" on the exchange, so it is not a gamble in any sense.
I really hope this guide will help someone out because It really is a solid way to sort out a months rent for quite a modest amount of work.
Thanks for Reading.
submitted by IvyRoney to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

TL;DR Lore: Races of Runeterra

Hey everyone!
This tl;dr will be discussing the various sapient peoples of Runeterra.There’s a fair few of them, so let’s get in to it!
Before we begin, I want to clarify what specifically I mean by “races”. The races I’ll be talking about are effectively different species of organisms, all sapient, with their own cultures and societies, sometimes intermingling with one another. For this reason the thread will be split in to 3 parts:
The Mortal Races
Champion and NPC Representation
Appearing on every continent and in every nation of the known world with the exception of Bandle City, humans comprise around 2/3rds of all champions and almost all of the important NPCs. Something to remember is that most of the Iceborn, Ascended, Darkin and undead characters we know of are/were humans. Here’s the champion rundown:
Aatrox, Akali, Annie, Aphelios, Ashe, Azir, Brand, Braum, Caitlyn, Camille, Cassiopia, Darius, Diana, Dr. Mundo, Draven, Ekko, Elise, Ezreal, Fiora, Gangplank, Garen, Gragas, Graves, Hecarim, Illaoi, Irelia, Ivern, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Jhin, Jinx, Kai’Sa, Kalista, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Katarina, Kayle, Kayn, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Lissandra, Lucian, Lux, Malzahar, Master Yi, Miss Fortune, Mordekaiser, Morgana, Nasus, Nautilus, Nidalee, Nunu, Olaf, Orianna, Pantheon, Pyke, Qiyana, Quinn, Renekton, Riven, Ryze, Sejuani, Senna, Sett, Shen, Singed, Sivir, Sona, Swain, Sylas, Syndra, Taliyah, Talon, Taric, Thresh, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Udyr, Urgot, Varus, Vayne, Vi, Viktor, Vladimir, Warwick, Xerath, Xin Zhao, Yasuo, Yorick, Zed, Zilean, Zoe.
That’s your human roster.
History and Range
Humans have an extensive history on Runeterra, however there is very little human history to actually discuss, due to how prolific they are as a species. There is no set origin for humans, and no history that specifically affected only humans.
Almost all of the known world’s history involves humans in some regard, and all currently known nations on Runeterra include human populations, and in most cases seem to have been founded primarily by humans.
The only areas humans are not known to inhabit are some islands, such as the one the Oovi-kat tribe of vastaya lived on, and Bandle City, which is mostly inaccessible to humans cuz it’s in another dimension.
Humans vary in their magical proficiency. Some humans are totally magicless, but can learn it. The Axiomata of Ixtal is an example of a human-made system to explain, study and educate people in magic for practical use.
Some humans are born with magic, and though the exact logistics are unknown, in some cases this magic is shown to be biologically inherited, such as with Iceborn humans. Examples of humans born with magic include Lux, Taliyah and Jhin.
In some cases both inheritance and education come in to play, as seen with Qiyana who was both born with prodigious talent for elemental magic along with her nine sisters, and then learned the principles of the Axiomata through her life.
Champion and NPC Representation
Currently there is only one troll in the champion roster: Trundle, a Freljordian troll who is both an Iceborn and self-made king of the trolls. Trundle is noted as being particularly clever and cunning among trolls, as most are simple dullards. This by no means Trundle himself is exceptionally smart, but that he is smart enough to achieve his goals.
There have been a handful of named troll npcs in the lore. They are as follows:
History and Range
Trollkind are noted as having a hardy constitution and incredible regenerative abilities, and as such have mostly come to inhabit incredibly hostile environments in Runeterra, ones that would likely be next to impossible for humans to live in. While the exact extent of this is unknown, we currently know that the largest troll tribes known to the world are found in the Freljord, which has a sizable population of them, and some trolls are also known to inhabit The Great Sai in Shurima.
The origin of trolls as a species is unknown, though in the Freljord ancient myths they were described as having kings, and as such potentially had nations of their own. The kings joined forces with Avarosa and Serylda during the end of the War of the Three Sisters, but the resulting clash and Lissandra’s actions led to the deaths of thousands, and likely the collapse of these theoretical ancient troll kingdoms.
In the modern era, trolls are organized in tribes, but Trundle is now going around rallying them under his banner as troll king, though they’re not totally unified at present.
Trollkind has shown very little in the way of magical abilities, however recently Trundle was revealed to be an Iceborn, meaning that he is innately magical, capable of wielding True Ice and having more resistance to the cold. Trolls themselves already have hardy constitutions, so how many trolls are actually Iceborn is currently unknown, but presumably more will come to light with time.
The above indicates strongly that trolls have the potential to learn or inherit other magical abilities, though we haven’t seen that happen yet.
Champion and NPC Representation
There is currently one minotaur among the champion roster: Alistar, a former Noxian slave who now spreads messages of hope and resistance against those within the Noxian Empire, who are disenfranchised in some regard by their current situation.
Only one minotaur NPC exists in canon lore: Zalt, who was a Noxian soldier before his untimely death during the story “The Winterspike Road”, where he served under Darius while fighting against the Winter’s Claw.
History and Range
Minotaurs are as you’d expect of a race named after the original creature of greek myth; a race of humanoid bovines. Beyond this there isn’t much to note about them specifically; what you see is what you get, though notably minotaurs seemingly have vast variation in body sizes; Alistar is huge but most minotaurs aren’t depicted that way.
The origins and history of the minotaurs are unknown, but we do know they live across Valoran, and have shown up mostly in relation to Noxus. Numerous minotaurs have thrown their lot in with Noxus for various reasons, in some cases to escape enslavement, in others because they simply wanted to join Noxus over remaining in the current lives. Other minotaurs, like Alistar, were enslaved by Noxus though, so it’s a bit iffy all things considered.
Minotaurs have also been shown in Demacia. They have notably been depicted as members of the Dauntless Vanguard; one of Demacia’s most elite military forces, indicating minotaurs have it good over there.
In Piltover, minotaurs have not been seen, but their imagery is still invoked. In one instance a mechanical minotaur was seen, as was a fellow named Bakkens who donned a helmet styled after a minotaur’s head that could shoot hot steam out of its horns. If I was a minotaur I dunno whether this’d be insulting or charming.
Maybe both?
At present, minotaurs and magic have never been discussed in the same sentence. It’s not unreasonable to assume they could use magic, and we just haven’t seen it, but at the moment we just don’t know.
The Not-So-Mortal Races
Champion and NPC Representation
Vastaya are the second most represented non-human race in League with 7 champions, only trailing after yordles who have 13. Ahri, Xayah, Rakan, Wukong, Nami, Rengar and Neeko represent 6 tribes, 5 of them named between them.
There aren’t a great deal of named vastayan npcs, but we’ll go over a few notable ones:
History and Range (And Magic)
I’m condensing this section because, incase you all weren’t aware, I actually already covered this topic in much greater detail in my TL;DR vastaya post, so I’ll link that here.
I’m not gonna leave too much in the dark though, so here’s a quick run down of vastayan history, range and magic:
The vastaya are the only Runeterran race with a clear cut origin. They are descendents of the legendary Vastayashai’rei; a group of formerly mortal heroes who, using the knowledge of their ancestors, learned to draw forth power from the Spirit Realm, becoming deathless shape-changers able to draw magic from both realms in equal measure. This was 10,000 years ago, and they did so to defeat a race of titans that came from beyond the sky.
The Vastayashai’rei won, and then went to live among their mortal kin. Their magic was inherited by their progeny, who went by the name vastaya. Over time the Vastayashai’rei’s power waned and the vastaya went their own way, forming tribes named after individual Vastayashai’rei and finding passage across the world. While most vastaya live in Ionia, tribes have been shown in Ixtal, the Freljord, in the oceans and on various islands.
In more recent history, something has changed in the magic of the world, making it impossible for vastaya to procreate. The exact reason why is unknown, and it’s also unknown how far reaching this is, but it also means that, given there haven’t been any new vastaya born in several mortal generations, that all our vastayan champions are at least a century or two old. This is also part of the reason why I didn’t include them in the “mortal races” section; vastaya live far longer, age slower, and it’s unclear if they can even die of old age as mortals do. They aren’t true immortals of course, but they definitely aren’t mortal.
In Ionia, various groups have shown hostility to the vastaya in recent times; an eventual inevitability given the growing tensions between the two races over the centuries. In some cases, like Zed and the Order of Shadow, this is not just hostility but full on discrimination, hate crimes, and effectively genocide on their part. Many vastaya aren’t taking this lying down, in some cases they actually defected to Noxus, while others like Xayah and Rakan have taken the fight to their oppressors directly.
Vastaya have access to various forms of spirit magic, including charms, camouflage, and also shapeshifting. This shapeshifting is possible for all vastaya in varying degrees, and allows them to look more human or more animalistic, but it’s capabilities are limited compared to their ancient ancestors. The diluted vastayan bloodline is to blame here, and so in cases where the vastaya are very close to their ancestry, like the Oovi-kat, this magic is much stronger. This might also extend to all forms of magic the vastaya can wield, but this isn’t 100% clear at present.
Champion and NPC Representation
The yeti are represented in League of Legends by only one champion: Willump, who is the more handsome half of Nunu & Willump. Willump is the last magical yeti known to exist in the world, and is currently helping Nunu find his missing mother. We’ll talk more about Willump below.
Currently there are no named yeti NPCs, even among the Legends of Runeterra cards. There’s a reason for this that we’ll get in to shortly.
History and Range
The yeti originate from the Freljord, and had a vast civilization in the days when it was known as the Vorrijaard. They were ancient even back then with their own culture and beliefs, having a language of their own that Willump still speaks, and at one point they were sought out by the Three Sisters. Willump specifically met them, though what they discussed is unknown.
The yeti civilization met its end during the War of the Three Sisters. Lissandra had called on the yeti’s aid for the final battle, and when the Watchers revealed themselves, Lissandra made a tremendous sacrifice; the lives of the many thousands present, to seal them inside. Part of that sacrifice was the yeti themselves, but she didn’t take their lives, she took their magic. Since the yeti were beings of magic this stripped them of their former nobility, reducing them to savage monsters.
Only one yeti survived with his magic; Willump, and he quickly left the area, settling at a place that would become known as the Yeti’s Vigil. There he stayed with the last remnants of the yeti civilization’s magic. When folks came to take it, Willump met them with tooth and claw, becoming monstrous in the process.
In the modern era, yeti are considered myths by the wider culture of the Freljord, but do still exist as beasts in the wilderness. Very recently, Willump was found by Nunu, who managed to reach him and become his friend, and now the two are out trying to find Nunu’s missing mother Layka (God I hope she’s still alive plz Riot don’t kill off the mums).
The yeti were one of the only beings known to be able to create True Ice, a power that now, only Willump, Nunu (thanks to the magic Willump gave him), and Anivia are known to possess. True Ice is an incredibly potent magical substance that will brutally wound or straight up kill anyone who isn’t Iceborn, but given the yeti could make it, the assumption is True Ice had no or little affect on them.
The yeti, as beings of magic, were also shaped by perception, as spirit magic is the magic of souls, sensations and emotions. Because of this, Willump looks as adorable as he does because he’s being shaped by Nunu’s perceptions of him: being his best friend. Before this, it’s likely Willump looked more like the yeti we see in Legends of Runeterra. Those yeti are magicless, so it’s unclear if their forms are still shaped by perception, or whether their current forms are the result of being without magic.
The reason I wasn’t including the yeti in the “mortal races” is because there’s currently no information on the yeti’s mortality. Willump is over 9,000 years old, but looks to be as active and spry as he likely was in his youth, and it’s unclear if yeti can even die of old age.
Champion and NPC Representation
Currently the brackern are represented in game by a single champion: Skarner. There are currently no NPC brackern detailed in the lore as characters, however we have seen multiple brackern crystals in the lore, and within them are the souls of brackern. Several champions utilize brackern crystals in some manner:
History and Range
The brackern are native to a hidden valley in north western Shurima. Living for incredibly long periods of time, the cornerstone of the brackern’s civilization were their “Namestones”, sometimes referred to as “Lifestones” or to ignorant, bastard pitlovans: hex-crystals.This is also the whole deal as to why they aren’t in the “mortal races” section.
By fusing the crystals with their bodies, they would effectively merge with the brackern’s souls. This created a union between their minds in the form of a song, allowing them all to communicate with each other via thought. When a brackern died their crystal would be taken and buried, later calling to a new brackern to inherit it, and with it, the legacy and power of all who had came before, effectively making the brackern immortal from some perspectives.
When the mortal races began building their civilizations in Shurima, they offered the brackern respect, but they also feared them. The mortals called their home “The Crystal Scar”, and the brackern, not wanting to be threatened by mortal wars, opted to hibernate for millennia, with the hope that they would sleep through the mortal’s eventual extinction.
This didn’t last though as Piltovans discovered the brackern, and bombed them in their sleep. Their intent was clear; to steal the crystals within them to use for their own ends. This act traumatized their collective psyche and resulted in several brackern’s deaths, with only Skarner being able to rouse himself and repel the invaders. Since then, Skarner has set out to reclaim the stolen crystals and save his race.
Those crystals that made their way back to Piltover then became the foundation of hextech. True “hexcrystals” as they’re known are few and far between, and as such highly coveted.
The brackern’s magic is tied to the Material Realm, and as such is mostly elemental in nature. They can draw power from the earth and of course their own crystals, with the power depending on the strength of their own crystal. Skarner in some iterations of the lore was described as being among the most powerful brackern, in no small part due to his crystal.
As detailed above, the crystals allowed the brackern to communicate with each other by what is effectively telepathy. It took the form of a song, and extended to all who also bore crystals. Notably, this form of communication was incompatible with humans, as in the story “Dreamsong”, Skarner tries to sing to the humans through his crystal, but they are completely unresponsive.
The elemental magic inherent to the crystals, and by extension the brackern, is also showcased in hextech. Blitzcrank has magical lightning, Orianna’s ball is full of magic, Camille and Jayce both have electrical powers, while Ekko figured out how to use time magic through the shard he has.
Champion and NPC Representation
In League of Legends there are thirteen yordles, three of which are also in Legends of Runeterra. They are of course Corki, Fizz, Gnar, Heimerdinger, Kennen, Kled, Lulu, Poppy, Rumble, Teemo, Tristana, Veigar and Ziggs.
There are very few canon and named yordle NPCs. Infact, I think you can count them on one hand.
...Ok bear with me on this.
Now, as some of you may have guessed from the above, there’s an unfortunate truth about yordles, and that’s that they’re probably the least explored and least understood part of the entire League of Legends universe at present.
We know nothing of the yordle’s origins, what their true deal is, what their home of Bandle City actually is, and five of the thirteen yordles in game don’t even have biographies. It’s a rather sad state of affairs.
What do we know? Let’s do a quick run down:
If you’re wondering about why yordle glamour hasn’t really shown up in a bunch of places, it’s basically because it’s really awkward to explain in stories where it’s not relevant. As an example, in the Piltovan Tales of Runeterra, we see Heimerdinger in his full yordle glory. In cases like this, actively explaining glamour would take longer than the short itself, so it’s not detailed. In cases like this, the assumption should generally be that, unless otherwise stated, a yordle has their glamour on, and no one sees anything differently.
The above though will vary from case to case, mostly Kennen, who is well known as a yordle among the Kinkou. This, plus yordles being respected in Ionia, means it’s likely no one in Ionia sees him in glamour.
...I know it’s kinda weird and awkward, but sadly, that’s just about all of yordle lore at present. I wish I could explain yordles and Bandle City better, but alas, there’s just very little to go on at present. Hopefully, when I get around to making a Bandle City tl;dr, we’ll have a lot more to discuss.
Other Racial Discussion Points
Now that we’ve discussed the main seven races that we see in League of Legends, it’s time to discuss some other points of discussion in regards to the races, since those seven aren’t the end all be all. This section isn’t specifically about talking about races though, but also what isn’t a race, because, while this might not be surprising, some of the groups of beings we know of don’t really constitute a “race”.
Ascended, Darkin, Ursine and Iceborn
So this is where I basically put on my “These aren’t races” cap to tell ya’ll that these things don’t really constitute “races”, for varying reasons.
The Ascended and Darkin
These guys were mortals elevated by the Sun Disc to become gods among mortals. At present, there’s no indication as to whether all of the Ascended and Darkin were all humans, if anything that's unlikely, but we currently in the dark as to most of their racial origins; we know Azir was human and that's kinda it. Following the empire’s fall they warred amongst each other for 1,500 years until the intervention of the Aspects. Not all of the Ascended became Darkin, but it was enough that they’re basically near extinct nowadays.
There was also a group called the Baccai. These were folks who survived a failed ritual, coming out deformed. The Shurimans considered it a mercy to kill the Baccai off, and to our knowledge there are no known Baccai champions or NPCs in the lore, though some Rioters have described Xerath as potentially fitting the bill.
These guys don’t constitute a race because they themselves weren’t really their own a sapient species; they were effectively Shuriman super heroes. Also given the fact that an “Ascended Bloodline” exists, it’s likely that if the Ascended and Darkin could reproduce, they wouldn’t produce more of their kind, but instead mortal children with some magic inherited from their godly forebears.
The Ursine
The Ursine are a Freljordian tribe of Spirit Walkers; mortals (thus far only shown to be humans) with magic through which they channel the spirits of nature and animals through them, allowing them to shapeshift. This tribe specifically worships Volibear, and are more or less broken down in to three groups: those with their faculties, those who have gone bear full time, and those who’ve become monsters.
The thing to note here is that the Ursine are still humans when you get down to it, and not all Spirit Walkers are Ursine. As such they’re not a distinct race.
The Iceborn
While for a long time Iceborn was a thing we thought was exclusive to humans, recently revelations have revealed that trolls can be Iceborn. This is kinda huge because originally it was implied that an Iceborn was like a sort of magical ethnicity among humans, but this clearly isn’t the case anymore. There is also the factor that in some myths, the Iceborn were actually created by the Watchers, which further complicates the matter.
The variance in information we have about the Iceborn, as well as them now being expanded such that non-humans can also be Iceborn, leaves a lot of questions, and as such I don’t feel we can comfortably say the Iceborn are a “race” currently.
Jax’s Race
Jax is the sole representative of a non-human race we know precious little about, not even a name. Because of this we have to extrapolate from Jax, so let’s cover some bases.
Given what we know of Jax from his bio and stories, we can say comfortably that if his people are like him, they have similar physiology and lifespans, being noted as a long-lived race, and they lived in Shurima. Beyond this? We don’t know a lot.
Some people extrapolate that Jax is a troll. I don’t agree at present, mostly because the trolls from the Freljord are WAY bigger than humans, while Jax is depicted as being at most, tall by human standards, and his identity as a non-human was more fully discussed after we learned that trolls exist in Shurima, which feels like a weird thing not to commit to if it’s true.
Sion’s Race
While many people (myself included), have believed that Sion is human, that’s potentially not the case. In some discussions with Rioters heavily involved in the narrative process, they discussed how Sion is likely not human, and instead part of a race of large humanoids.
Take a look in here for more info
To provide some context on what was happening in that discussion, it was about some of the Legends of Runeterra cards for Noxus released at the time, namely Kato the Arm and Captain Farron. Both are showcased to be far larger than other humans in the LoR material, but in the context of this discussion, both cards would fall in to whatever race Sion represents.
Now this isn’t concrete. As with most things, information sourced from the writers on twitter is not 100% canon, and is instead more of the thoughts of the writers on the subject. Until such information finds it way to canon sources, it’s not truly canon, as is the case with many things in Legends of Runeterra. This was an interesting discussion though, and since it has at the very least the potential to be canon, I decided to add it here.
The details about what we know from Sion and the above LoR cards is that this race, providing they are a canon race, are far larger than humans, more comparable in size to trolls. Their history is unknown, though Sion is described as being part of a “Warrior culture that was part of Noxus since its founding”. If this describes his race then that would mean that this race was part of Noxus since the end of the Rune Wars, and as such can be showcased as being native to Valoran, though this might also simply describe the culture of wherever Sion came from, which could just as easily be its own nation and as such not be specifically tied to this mystery race.
For those wondering, if Sion is indeed part of a non-human race, Urgot and Mordekaiser would not also be. Both are humans, who are big because of chemtech augments and death magic respectively.
Fizz’s Dead Friends
As discussed above, Fizz is a yordle, but he has ties to an underwater civilization we haven’t seen anywhere outside of his bio. This is because this civilization was wiped out by the gigalodons; huge dragon-sharks brought to the city by warming seas. The gigalodons descended on the city, killing everyone there and reducing the city to rubble. Fizz couldn’t save a single soul.
This civilization was said to have members of some “noble race”, however this race hasn’t ever been named. The only underwater civilization we know of currently beyond this is the Marai vastaya tribe, which is still as active as ever, so the identity of this race is a total mystery to us. The best we can extrapolate is that they were likely adapted for life underwater permanently, as Fizz living among them made him change to suit an underwater lifestyle, but this isn’t saying much.
There were several new kinds of creatures unveiled among the denizens of the deep with the Bilgewater expansion for Legends of Runeterra, but none of these have been confirmed to be this noble race Fizz lived among. We’ll talk about those cards a little later though.
The Jaull-Fish
For those who don’t know, these are the fish who have Pyke as their undead puppet.
Connected to the Swimming City are the Jaull-Fish; enormous sea monsters reputed for having sacks in its mouth full of a blue, oily substance called sapphilite, which can be used in various “sorcerous distillations”. Because of this sapphilite is highly coveted and fetches a high price. The Jaull-Fish have been described as similar to whales, and the way they behave as detailed in Pyke’s lore implies they’re potentially sapient, and as such making the call on whether they’re a race or not is hard.
A recent addition to the lore, Balestriders are tall, icy ungulates of unknown origin and power. Dating back to the days of the Vorrijaard, a march of them was frozen by Anivia, while others were twisted and turned by the Three Sisters to use for their own purposes. Beyond this we know little though, and as such we can’t make a call on whether they’re a race or not.
Otherworldly Entities
Beyond the Material Realm, various other kinds of entities come to be, and can be hard to classify. As the League universe is composed of 4 different realms, we’ll batch all those other realms together for a bit to discuss their residents equally.
Celestial Entities
These are entities from the Celestial Realm. Due to a lack of information about the Celestial Realm, we don’t know if any “races” truly exist out there, or if the beings from the Celestial Realm are all unique entities. We do however have some clues.
Currently there are three champions from the Celestial Realm; Bard, Soraka and Aurelion Sol, along with the Aspects, but among them, Aurelion Sol is the only one we know of to be part of a larger group of entities that might constitute a species, and we know too little of them to make a call on whether they’re a race or not.
Spiritual Entities
While yordles showcase that races of spirits can exist, we currently don’t know of any other spirit races beyond them. We do have classifications for spiritual beings though, so let’s get in to them:
Spirit Gods
These are spirits born of mortal cultures in to the role of deities the culture worships. These guys definitely don’t constitute a race, as each one is born as their own unique entity.
The four champion Spirit Gods are Anivia, Janna, Ornn and Volibear. Other named Spirit Gods include the Clever Lynx, Iron Boar and Seal Sister.
In some interpretations of the lore, Kindred might be seen as a Spirit God, especially given the way they’re revered in the Freljord in the same capacity as their ancient demi-gods, but this isn’t 100% confirmed.
Nature Spirits
These are spirits that occur naturally, and given current information are more likely to be classified in to species, though we know of no true “races” of nature spirits at present.
There are two nature spirits represented in the champion roster, however only one of them: Maokai, is a champion. Maokai is described as a treant, though his lore identifies that he was born in to the world by himself, when the Blessed Isles first arose from the sea. Little information exists about what “treant” means in the context of the lore, so it’s hard to identify Maokai as being part of a species, let alone a race.
The other nature spirit is Skaarl, Kled’s mount, who is a Drakalops; a Noxian wind spirit, and way more of an animal than any kind of race.
These are spiritual beings born of excessive emotions and sensations, not just negative ones. At present, we know of no classification among demons, no demons that could constitute any kind of race, and all of the demon champions have disparate origins.
Evelynn was made by war, Tahm Kench by culture, Nocturne was manufactured and Fiddlesticks predates civilization itself. There is also Raum, the demon of secrets that Swain conquered to gain his magical powers. Little is known of Raum in any regard.
Fiddlesticks is perhaps the most interesting of the current demons logistically, but even considering the hypothetical, it’s difficult to ascribe Fiddlesticks as being part of a race.
Voidborn are easy to classify as not being a race as each is born entirely unique from the others, and they have no known form of society or civilization, likely because they’re here to destroy it not compete with it. Voidborn also aren’t actually of the Void, as it’s a realm of nothing. They’re made by the Void’s power for sure, but it’s likely none have ever been to the Void itself.
Humans in Disguise
Some of Runeterra’s menagerie of champions are actually humans despite appearances. The Darkin and Ascended are the most well known examples, but here’s a quick rundown of Runeterra’s “Humans in disguise”:
Raceless Champions
Some champions actually don’t belong to any known race, instead being entirely unique entities. This varies from champion to champion, and some champions are simply not detailed enough in their origins to make a call, but here’s a quick rundown either way:
An automaton who developed sapiance thanks to the brackern crystal inside them. As a manufactured entity who wasn’t built with their own free will, Blitzcrank is a champion who doesn’t qualify as being of a race.
Not part of a race because he’s a statue that came to life after eating too much magic. His origin’s actually pretty straight forward all things considered.
Zyra is effectively the result of magical nuke radiation in a garden of carnivorous plants. She’s probably got one of the more unique origins in League, and doesn’t belong to any race.
A creature of unknown origins. Some hypothesize he is a member of a near-extinct species, others say he’s a spirit, a demi-god, or one of the Ascended. Lack of information here puts Rammus in the raceless category, but future revelations might change this. My money’s on him being an Ascended.
Zac originates from the giant dumping ground of chemical runoff in Zaun known as the Sump. His origins make him a totally unique being, devoid of species or race.
She’s just a cat. A magic cat sure, but just a cat nonetheless.
Fuck cats. Dogs are superior.
Amumu has been depicted as both a yordle and a human, but the actual truth is unknown, and he may not even be one of those options. As such, I count him as raceless.
Malphite has a very specific origin, but the short form is that he’s the shard of a giant magical weaponized city that got destroyed while trying to fight the Void during Shurima’s war vs Icathia. Malphite’s shard grew with time to grant him sapience and agency, and he’s endured for centuries. His origin makes him a wholly unique entity, and not part of any race.
One of the last champions needing an update to bring him in to the rebooted canon. His current short biography states he’s an enchanted marionette corrupted by dark magic, but who knows if that’ll stick.
Sadly he’s got the same deal going on as Shaco. Presumably a sump-mutant, but who knows at this point. Get the rat boy some lore love Riot, please, thanks, please.
Legends of Runeterra makes my head hurt
Legends of Runeterra is both a huge boon and a huge nightmare lore wise.
For one, it’s all “potentially” canon, meaning that it’s hard to know how much Riot actually intends to make canon or not. Stuff has been steadily making its way over, but it’s still a pain.
Secondly, and more importantly, there’s a lot of new stuff that makes figuring out what’s a race and what’s not difficult. Some things are easy to extrapolate, such as Yuzari, Greenglade Defender and Citrus Courier being likely vastayans, while some are clear as day, such as Tarkaz being a troll, Ariok Glinthorn being a minotaur, and all the yordle cards. Others though are total pains my my arse.
The above are the ones I can remember, and basically all of these cards might represent new races, or they might not. There’s little to go on right now.
This isn’t super important for you all, but just know, it makes me suffer.
I have nightmares about the Dreg Dredgers, not knowing what they are.
What are the Dreg Dredgers Riot?
And that should be everything! Running out of characters now so gotta wrap this up quick:
Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great day!
submitted by Sharjo to loreofruneterra [link] [comments]

Cheltenham Matched Betting Guide

With Cheltenham Festival coming up, I thought I’d put together a comprehensive guide and overview for what is THE most profitable time for matched bettors.

So whether you have been doing matched betting for a while or you’re completely new to the concept, with a bit of luck this post should be interesting/useful.

Just a quick disclaimer. Throughout this guide I will be referencing Heads&Heads, however, this is not a promotional piece. The advice below can be used and applied to whichever service you happen to be with. There will be an offer at the bottom of this guide. Ignore it if you are not interested, I won’t be offended – the important thing is we all smash Cheltenham while it is still so profitable.

Firstly, why exactly is this such a profitable time for Matched Bettors? Well, simply put, the Cheltenham Festival is one of the world’s biggest horse racing events. As such, all the bookmakers will be falling over themselves to ensure punters place their bets with them rather than their competitors.

Why Cheltenham is a Big Deal
Cheltenham Festival is one of the busiest times of the year for bookmakers with projections of around £500 million to be placed in bets over the 4 days of racing. There are a total of 28 races to bet on giving an average of around £17,850,000 bet on each race. Punters at the Festival and around the country betting online jump on early ante-post markets and last minute bets. The rise of mobile betting in recently years has given bookmakers a new way to connect with customers and now it’s easier than ever to place a bet wherever you are.
With so much money involved in betting on races at Cheltenham, bookies fight for customers in the run-up and during the festival. One way bookies entice customers to bet with them over a competitor is to run special promotions for the races. These can be in the form of free bet offers, money back specials, extra places, best odds guaranteed and more. Punters looking for the best value in their bets should take advantage of these enhanced offers while they are around as they can result in increased returns and minimised losses. All of this plays into the hands of matched bettors like us, who can take advantage of the value without incurring risk.
If you are holding back on completing welcome offers before Cheltenham, then you should know that several bookmakers run enhanced offers throughout Cheltenham. Some of the more popular ones being Betfair, SkyBet, Ladbrokes, Coral and Betfred.

6 Steps For Tackling Cheltenham
With all the offers and potential profit flying around it can become a little overwhelming. The best place to start is by simply practicing the basics - and that is our first of six steps for getting ready to tackle Cheltenham.

Note: I will update this post with the key offers closer to the time.

1. Practice Makes Perfect
When it comes to matched betting you can never get enough practice! You may think you understand every reload strategy there is. However, when the offers come as quickly as they do during Cheltenham, practice can be the difference between getting into breaking the £1,000 profit mark and missing out.
So, make sure that you have familiarised yourself with and practiced the popular horse racing offers before Cheltenham. These include 2nd to SP Fav, 2nd place refund, 4/1 winner, fallers insurance. Simply doing a Saturday’s worth of horse racing reload offers will tick a lot of these boxes.
If you would like to understand the concept a little more, we recommend going to the Training Section of Heads&Heads and looking at the guides under the sub-heading, ‘Offer Strategies’.

2. Be Organised
This can be best summed up as - make sure that your money is where it needs to be before the end of the weekend prior to Cheltenham (7th & 8th March).
Additionally, try to have completed the majority of the welcome offers for the major bookmakers. The key bookmaker to have ready is Bet365 – their Horse racing offer during the festival is massively profitable.
Set up a separate PayPal for faster withdrawals.
If you've not got a massive exchange balance, then on this rare occasion we recommend boosting its size using your own funds. Of course, because you’re matched betting the only risk is the tiny qualifying loss per offer, which you should be used to by now. The last thing you want is to be missing out on offers and not making the most of the available profit.
Try to get some bets on the night before if the odds matches are strong. Know which offers are available on which races and know what offers you want to go for on each race.

3. Go Easy Early
Do easy low stake reloads (Free bet on a loss, 2nd place, 2nd to SP favourite, etc) the night before if possible or early morning. The Exchanges will have a lot of liquidity, even hours before the races – meaning that you will not need to worry about unmatched bets when laying.

4. Odds Boosts & VIP
Look out for the boosts and make a note to check the Heads&Heads forums facebook group hourly for any updates on potential boosts. These will come thick and fast, but if you are quick, you can create some pretty incredible profit margins.
Additionally, make sure you check your email over the 4 days. There will be plenty of bookmakers handing out ‘tailored’ offers to their VIP members. VIP has a loose definition in the eyes of the bookmaker, so you’re likely to get a lot more of these than you think and they are often very lucrative.
If you want Heads&Heads to check a VIP offer before you attempt it, just post on the forum or message us on Live Chat.

5. Enjoy It
Sounds cliché but don’t let it stress you out. Making money is great but taking the week off work and then running yourself into the ground all week isn't worth it. Matched betting is a side earner – something to enjoy and be done in your spare time to earn you some extra cash. It should not feel like a job.

6. A Small Exchange Balance Is No Excuse!
Is it worth taking part with a really small bank like £500'ish?
Even if you just did the offers that guaranteed a profit, you’d still make around £250 and this would not require a massive exchange balance. So yes, it is absolutely still worth it.
What If I Am Gubbed by Most Bookmakers?
This is a very common question and not an unreasonable one either. After all it is incredibly frustrating to have your account with a bookie gubbed. This is even worse when a huge event like Cheltenham is coming up.
Honestly, it will restrict your ability to make money, but it is still possible to make a profit from Cheltenham.
Extra place strategies are worth looking at. This is made possible because Extra place betting doesn’t rely on you using free offers. So, if the bookie has only restricted your use of free offers then this is your best option. Furthermore, if you are restricted from getting reload offers by a bookmaker, you should still be able to take advantage of odds boosts. So, keep an eye out for these on the Heads&Heads Forum.
Anything I Should Be Looking Out For?
One issue to be aware of is that of the smaller bookmakers offering very generous odds. If an offer looks too good to be true then you should be careful. This was particularly true a couple of years ago, when a lot of smaller bookies offered really good odds and then refused to pay out people’s winnings.
This problem is unlikely to occur again (happened in 2017), with bookmakers under the spotlight by legislators like never before. In addition, if you have an account with the bookmaker prior to Cheltenham starting, then you’ll be slightly more trusted by the bookie and thus they will honour your pay-out.
Should You Book Time Off Work?
Are you planning to take time off work during Cheltenham? This could be a great idea. As well as watching the races on TV, you can stay up to date with all of the offers during the day. However, we want to stress that taking time off work is by no means 'required' to make money during this week.
That said, speed will be key for so many of the opportunities during the festival. You may only have a small amount of time to place your bet or lose the opportunity. Being at home will, of course, make this a lot easier.
However, not everyone can take all 4 days off. So which days should you prioritise?
Simple answer really. The first day – Tuesday (10th March).
The reason for this is that the first day sees more offers available than any other single day. The bookies tend to start off strong and tail off towards the end.
Cheltenham Schedule

Day 1 (Tuesday 10th March 2020)
13:30 -The Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
14:10 - The Racing Post Arkle Challenge Trophy Chase
14:50 -The Ultima Handicap Steeple Chase
15:30 - The Unibet Champion Hurdle Challenge Trophy
16:10 - The Mares’ Hurdle
16:50 - The Close Brothers Novices’ Handicap Chase
17:30 - The National Hunt Challenge Cup

Day 2 (Wednesday 11th March 2020)
13:30 - The Ballymore Novices’ Hurdle
14:10 - The RSA Insurance Novices’ Chase
14:50 - The Coral Cup
15:30 - The Betway Queen Mother Champion Chase
16:10 - The Glenfarclas Cross Country Chase
16:50 - The Boodles Juvenile Handicap Hurdle
17:30 - The Weatherbys Champion Bumper

Day 3 (Thursday 12th March 2020)

13:30 - The Marsh Novices’ Chase
14:10 - The Pertemps Network Final
14:50 - The Ryanair Chase
15:30 - The Stayers’ Hurdle
16:10 - The Brown Advisory & Merriebelle Stable Plate
16:50 - Dawn Run Mares’ Novices’ Hurdle
17:30 - The Fulke Walwyn Kim Muir Challenge Cup

Day 4 (Friday 13th March 2020)

13:30 - The JCB Triumph Hurdle
14:10 - The Randox Health County Handicap Hurdle
14:50 - The Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
15:30 - The Cheltenham Gold Cup
16:10 - The St. James’s Place Foxhunter Challenge Cup
16:50 - Johnny Henderson Grand Annual Handicap Chase
17:30 - Martin Pipe Conditional Jockeys’ Handicap Hurdle

Our Predictions
Now, predictions may seem a bit useless as we are matched betting. However, knowing who the experts favour to win can help you pick a horse. So, for example, if an offer was triggered if your horse lost, you'd want to be sure you were avoiding those favoured to do well. So, use the below to help inform some of your decisions when completing Cheltenham reload offers.

Epatante has caught the eye of punters during the early betting for the Champion Hurdle and, at the time of writing, rates as one of the strongest race favourites of the week. We likely have not seen the best of this horse.

Benie Des Dieux
Benie Des Dieux is quoted for a few Cheltenham races this spring but traders at major bookmakers are confident she will run in the Mares Hurdle. If she does, bookies expect her to win the race with a bit to spare.

Envoi Allen
Envoi Allen is priced as the standout horse in the Ballymore Novices Hurdle and traders believe he will take all the beating. A loss here will rate as one of the biggest upsets of the week. He won each of his first seven starts.

Defi Du Seuil
Defi Du Seuil can be found quoted in the Champion Chase antepost betting and the early money has been promising. He has won 13 of his first 18 and those stats aren’t to be taken lightly, certainly not by backers.

Tiger Roll
Tiger Roll is a fans favourite but have we already seen the best of Tiger Roll? As it stands Tiger Roll is the antepost favourite to win the Cross Country Chase and is a short price at that.

Every Cheltenham offer will be posted on the Reload section. It is also worth keeping up to date with the Cheltenham Forum thread – here the best offers of the day will be discussed.
If you are interested in giving matched betting a go or Heads&Heads a go I’ve posted a discount code below. As I mentioned at the start of the guide, you can either use it or not. The main thing for me will be people find one or two useful bits of info in this guide.

£2 for 60 days of Premium membership to Heads&Heads.
Discount code: BUILDUP
Click the link to have the code automatically applied:

Timetable template for Cheltenham:

The most important thing is to get involved!
Best of luck and happy profit hunting!
submitted by HeadsandHeads to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

Cheltenham Matched Betting Guide

With Cheltenham Festival coming up, I thought I’d put together a comprehensive guide and overview for what is THE most profitable time for matched bettors.

So whether you have been doing matched betting for a while or you’re completely new to the concept, with a bit of luck this post should be interesting/useful.

Just a quick disclaimer. Throughout this guide I will be referencing Heads&Heads, however, this is not a promotional piece. The advice below can be used and applied to whichever service you happen to be with. There will be an offer at the bottom of this guide. Ignore it if you are not interested, I won’t be offended – the important thing is we all smash Cheltenham while it is still so profitable.

Firstly, why exactly is this such a profitable time for Matched Bettors? Well, simply put, the Cheltenham Festival is one of the world’s biggest horse racing events. As such, all the bookmakers will be falling over themselves to ensure punters place their bets with them rather than their competitors.

Why Cheltenham is a Big Deal
Cheltenham Festival is one of the busiest times of the year for bookmakers with projections of around £500 million to be placed in bets over the 4 days of racing. There are a total of 28 races to bet on giving an average of around £17,850,000 bet on each race. Punters at the Festival and around the country betting online jump on early ante-post markets and last minute bets. The rise of mobile betting in recently years has given bookmakers a new way to connect with customers and now it’s easier than ever to place a bet wherever you are.
With so much money involved in betting on races at Cheltenham, bookies fight for customers in the run-up and during the festival. One way bookies entice customers to bet with them over a competitor is to run special promotions for the races. These can be in the form of free bet offers, money back specials, extra places, best odds guaranteed and more. Punters looking for the best value in their bets should take advantage of these enhanced offers while they are around as they can result in increased returns and minimised losses. All of this plays into the hands of matched bettors like us, who can take advantage of the value without incurring risk.
If you are holding back on completing welcome offers before Cheltenham, then you should know that several bookmakers run enhanced offers throughout Cheltenham. Some of the more popular ones being Betfair, SkyBet, Ladbrokes, Coral and Betfred.

6 Steps For Tackling Cheltenham
With all the offers and potential profit flying around it can become a little overwhelming. The best place to start is by simply practicing the basics - and that is our first of six steps for getting ready to tackle Cheltenham.
Note: I will update this post with the key offers closer to the time.

1. Practice Makes Perfect
When it comes to matched betting you can never get enough practice! You may think you understand every reload strategy there is. However, when the offers come as quickly as they do during Cheltenham, practice can be the difference between getting into breaking the £1,000 profit mark and missing out.
So, make sure that you have familiarised yourself with and practiced the popular horse racing offers before Cheltenham. These include 2nd to SP Fav, 2nd place refund, 4/1 winner, fallers insurance. Simply doing a Saturday’s worth of horse racing reload offers will tick a lot of these boxes.
If you would like to understand the concept a little more, we recommend going to the Training Section of Heads&Heads and looking at the guides under the sub-heading, ‘Offer Strategies’.

2. Be Organised
This can be best summed up as - make sure that your money is where it needs to be before the end of the weekend prior to Cheltenham (7th & 8th March).
Additionally, try to have completed the majority of the welcome offers for the major bookmakers. The key bookmaker to have ready is Bet365 – their Horse racing offer during the festival is massively profitable.
Set up a separate PayPal for faster withdrawals.
If you've not got a massive exchange balance, then on this rare occasion we recommend boosting its size using your own funds. Of course, because you’re matched betting the only risk is the tiny qualifying loss per offer, which you should be used to by now. The last thing you want is to be missing out on offers and not making the most of the available profit.
Try to get some bets on the night before if the odds matches are strong. Know which offers are available on which races and know what offers you want to go for on each race.

3. Go Easy Early
Do easy low stake reloads (Free bet on a loss, 2nd place, 2nd to SP favourite, etc) the night before if possible or early morning. The Exchanges will have a lot of liquidity, even hours before the races – meaning that you will not need to worry about unmatched bets when laying.

4. Odds Boosts & VIP
Look out for the boosts and make a note to check the Heads&Heads forums facebook group hourly for any updates on potential boosts. These will come thick and fast, but if you are quick, you can create some pretty incredible profit margins.
Additionally, make sure you check your email over the 4 days. There will be plenty of bookmakers handing out ‘tailored’ offers to their VIP members. VIP has a loose definition in the eyes of the bookmaker, so you’re likely to get a lot more of these than you think and they are often very lucrative.
If you want Heads&Heads to check a VIP offer before you attempt it, just post on the forum or message us on Live Chat.

5. Enjoy It
Sounds cliché but don’t let it stress you out. Making money is great but taking the week off work and then running yourself into the ground all week isn't worth it. Matched betting is a side earner – something to enjoy and be done in your spare time to earn you some extra cash. It should not feel like a job.

6. A Small Exchange Balance Is No Excuse!
Is it worth taking part with a really small bank like £500'ish?
Even if you just did the offers that guaranteed a profit, you’d still make around £250 and this would not require a massive exchange balance. So yes, it is absolutely still worth it.

What If I Am Gubbed by Most Bookmakers?
This is a very common question and not an unreasonable one either. After all it is incredibly frustrating to have your account with a bookie gubbed. This is even worse when a huge event like Cheltenham is coming up.
Honestly, it will restrict your ability to make money, but it is still possible to make a profit from Cheltenham.
Extra place strategies are worth looking at (on Heads&Heads Training). This is made possible because Extra place betting doesn’t rely on you using free offers. So, if the bookie has only restricted your use of free offers then this is your best option. Furthermore, if you are restricted from getting reload offers by a bookmaker, you should still be able to take advantage of odds boosts. So, keep an eye out for these on the Heads&Heads Forum.

Anything I Should Be Looking Out For?
One issue to be aware of is that of the smaller bookmakers offering very generous odds. If an offer looks too good to be true then you should be careful. This was particularly true a couple of years ago, when a lot of smaller bookies offered really good odds and then refused to pay out people’s winnings.
This problem is unlikely to occur again (happened in 2017), with bookmakers under the spotlight by legislators like never before. In addition, if you have an account with the bookmaker prior to Cheltenham starting, then you’ll be slightly more trusted by the bookie and thus they will honour your pay-out.

Should You Book Time Off Work?
Are you planning to take time off work during Cheltenham? This could be a great idea. As well as watching the races on TV, you can stay up to date with all of the offers during the day. However, we want to stress that taking time off work is by no means 'required' to make money during this week.
That said, speed will be key for so many of the opportunities during the festival. You may only have a small amount of time to place your bet or lose the opportunity. Being at home will, of course, make this a lot easier.
However, not everyone can take all 4 days off. So which days should you prioritise?
Simple answer really. The first day – Tuesday (10th March).
The reason for this is that the first day sees more offers available than any other single day. The bookies tend to start off strong and tail off towards the end.

Cheltenham Schedule

Day 1 (Tuesday 10th March 2020)
13:30 -The Sky Bet Supreme Novices’ Hurdle
14:10 - The Racing Post Arkle Challenge Trophy Chase
14:50 -The Ultima Handicap Steeple Chase
15:30 - The Unibet Champion Hurdle Challenge Trophy
16:10 - The Mares’ Hurdle
16:50 - The Close Brothers Novices’ Handicap Chase
17:30 - The National Hunt Challenge Cup

Day 2 (Wednesday 11th March 2020)
13:30 - The Ballymore Novices’ Hurdle
14:10 - The RSA Insurance Novices’ Chase
14:50 - The Coral Cup
15:30 - The Betway Queen Mother Champion Chase
16:10 - The Glenfarclas Cross Country Chase
16:50 - The Boodles Juvenile Handicap Hurdle
17:30 - The Weatherbys Champion Bumper

Day 3 (Thursday 12th March 2020)
13:30 - The Marsh Novices’ Chase
14:10 - The Pertemps Network Final
14:50 - The Ryanair Chase
15:30 - The Stayers’ Hurdle
16:10 - The Brown Advisory & Merriebelle Stable Plate
16:50 - Dawn Run Mares’ Novices’ Hurdle
17:30 - The Fulke Walwyn Kim Muir Challenge Cup

Day 4 (Friday 13th March 2020)
13:30 - The JCB Triumph Hurdle
14:10 - The Randox Health County Handicap Hurdle
14:50 - The Albert Bartlett Novices’ Hurdle
15:30 - The Cheltenham Gold Cup
16:10 - The St. James’s Place Foxhunter Challenge Cup
16:50 - Johnny Henderson Grand Annual Handicap Chase
17:30 - Martin Pipe Conditional Jockeys’ Handicap Hurdle

Our Predictions
Now, predictions may seem a bit useless as we are matched betting. However, knowing who the experts favour to win can help you pick a horse. So, for example, if an offer was triggered if your horse lost, you'd want to be sure you were avoiding those favoured to do well. So, use the below to help inform some of your decisions when completing Cheltenham reload offers.

Epatante has caught the eye of punters during the early betting for the Champion Hurdle and, at the time of writing, rates as one of the strongest race favourites of the week. We likely have not seen the best of this horse.

Benie Des Dieux
Benie Des Dieux is quoted for a few Cheltenham races this spring but traders at major bookmakers are confident she will run in the Mares Hurdle. If she does, bookies expect her to win the race with a bit to spare.

Envoi Allen
Envoi Allen is priced as the standout horse in the Ballymore Novices Hurdle and traders believe he will take all the beating. A loss here will rate as one of the biggest upsets of the week. He won each of his first seven starts.

Defi Du Seuil
Defi Du Seuil can be found quoted in the Champion Chase antepost betting and the early money has been promising. He has won 13 of his first 18 and those stats aren’t to be taken lightly, certainly not by backers.

Tiger Roll
Tiger Roll is a fans favourite but have we already seen the best of Tiger Roll? As it stands Tiger Roll is the antepost favourite to win the Cross Country Chase and is a short price at that.
Every Cheltenham offer will be posted on the Reload section (on Heads&Heads). It is also worth keeping up to date with the Cheltenham Forum thread (on Heads&Heads) – here the best offers of the day will be discussed.
If you are interested in giving matched betting a go or Heads&Heads a go I’ve posted a discount code below. As I mentioned at the start of the guide, you can either use it or not. The main thing for me will be people find one or two useful bits of info in this guide.

£2 for 60 days of Premium membership to Heads&Heads.
Discount code: BUILDUP
Click the link to have the code automatically applied:

Timetable template for Cheltenham:

The most important thing is to get involved!
Best of luck and happy profit hunting!
submitted by HeadsandHeads to MatchedBettingUK [link] [comments]

Bookmakers Not On Gamstop

Bookmakers Not On Gamstop

Bookmakers Not on GamStop:>
The bookmakers on this site are not licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, therefore they are not obligated to operate by the strict UK government guidelines. Instead, they are regulated by the gambling authorities like MGA (Malta Gambling Authority) or the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.
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What is GamStop?
Gamstop is a self-exclusion scheme introduced in April 2020 by the UK government that allows players to block themselves from any gambling activity. Due to the pressures placed on UK bookmakers by the UK Gambling Commission, they are restricted to what bonuses they can offer new customers.
Since bookmakers in the UK cannot operate unless licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, this will have a huge impact on the gambling industry. Gamstop was originally created so that players could take control of their gambling habits.
Once you have signed up to Gamstop and excluded yourself from gambling activity, the gambling companies you are registered to will automatically be notified and then close all accounts related to your name and prevent you from signing back in. Furthermore, as of April 2020, the UK Gambling Commission have places restrictions on players depositing on credit cards, an setting deposit limit amounts which cannot be exceeded in a specific time frame.
Due to the pressures placed on UK gambling companies by the UK Gambling Commission, this has had a significant affect on what offers and bonuses the gambling companies can now offer. The gambling industry has taken a devastating affect on enticing more customers to play on their sites.
Gambling companies under the UK Gambling Commission such as; WilliamHill, Coral, Betway, to name a few are restricted to offer new customers no deposit offers or attractive bonuses to join their sites.
Benefits of Bookmakers Not on GamStop
Bookmakers not on Gamstop are not licensed by the UK Gambling Commission, therefore they are not obligated to operate by the strict UK government guidelines. Instead, they are regulated by the gambling authorities like MGA (Malta Gambling Authority) or the Isle of Man Gambling Supervision Commission.
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Bookmakers not on Gamstop can offer great offers and bonuses to play on their sites as they do not come under the strict rules of the UK Gambling Commission. These bonuses can be very attractive and rewarding, such as no deposit offers or lucrative matched deposits. Many UK players enjoy the freedom and high bonuses bookmakers not on Gamstop have to offer for joining their site.
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Find Coral in STOKE-ON-TRENT, ST1. Get contact details, videos, photos, opening times and map directions. Search for local Bookmakers near you on Yell. Coral opening times 124-126 Knowsley Road BOOTLE 124-126 Knowsley Road BOOTLE Time to rethink that?" Prior to the government announcement, Paddy Power were the first layer to confirm they would be closing all their 350 betting shops in Britain from Friday night until the end of April, a move that mirrored the decision to close operations in Ireland until March 29. Coral Bookies has hours that allow everyone to place their bets, no matter when they have free time. Weekends are a great time to visit, so check out Coral Bookies Sunday opening times and gather with friends. If you're looking for something quicker and convenient, visit the Coral Bookies website or app and place your bet there. Many people find it easier to visit these branches over the weekend, including on a Sunday. Coral opening times Sunday vary, with some shops opening early at 8:00 am and closing late in the evening at 9:30 pm and other shops opening later at 10:00 am and closing earlier in the evening at 6:30 p.m. Coral Bookies allows you to place bets on a range of entertainment options and if you usually have an eye for these things, don't hesitate to place your bets. Coral Bookies Closing Times Today With you thoroughly informed, now it's time to reveal Coral Bookies Closing Times Today. Bookies Bookmakers Betting Shop Closing Times Ladbrokes closing times 3 The Broadway, Lambourn HUNGERFORD Today, Sunday, Saturday Closing Times Ladbrokes Which shops are shutting down and closing permanently? 3 The Broadway, Lambourn. Closing times near me now 3 The Broadway, Lambourn HUNGERFORD. 2020 and 2021 Shop Closing Times HUNGERFORD BOOKIES are set to reopen next week with sneeze screens between betting machines - but punters will still be able to sit and watch races as long as they keep their distance from others. Does anyone know what time Coral (bookies) shuts? I am unable to find the information on the web as any webpages with "betting" are banned on here. Any help would be appreciated. 24-10-2008, 03:50 PM Bunker Buster : 9pm 21;00hrs. _____ #FREEBEEK 24-10-2008, 03:50 PM koppas : Quote: Originally

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what time does coral bookies close

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